summary写作模板 summary怎么写

英语summary怎么写?英语summary的写法:首先记下关键词,要点或论点和主题句;第二步,形成一段简短的大纲,遵循原始组织;第三步,用我们自己的语言;第四步,在摘要中使用关键字,并相应地为摘要提供标题;第五步,避免例子,引言,技术用语 使用简单UND易懂的英语;第六步,必须客观并且以第三人称 。
在科技文献和教科书中,Summary强调对研究课题内容的概括,比如实验内容、目的、研究的展望等方面的简述 。提要对字数的要求比较灵活,可长可短 。既可以图文并茂,也可以广征博引 。既可放在文前,也可以置于文后 。Summary一般在完成完成后再写作,主要目的是帮助了解文章 。
4要是:要包括主要意思,要包括主要论点,要筛选减少内容,要用自己的词语,一定要用自己的话,一定要用自己的话,一定要用自己的话,重要的事情说三遍 。
4不要是:不要含有你自己的观点,不要有非原材料的观点,不要用你自己认为作者说的是什么,不要整段从原文拷贝 。
怎么写summary 如何写summary1、英语中的SUMMARY撰写的具体格式步骤如下:
2、写之前,需要认真仔细地读几遍原文材料,让理解更深刻 。
3、遵循原文的逻辑顺序,对重要部分的主题、标题、细节进行概括,全面清晰地表明原文信息 。
4、给摘要起一个好标题,比如:可以采用文中的主题句 。
5、尽量使用自己的话完成,不要引用原文的句子,篇幅控制在原文的三分之一或四分之一长 。
英 ['s?m(?)r?]美 ['s?m?ri]
adj. 简易的;扼要的
【summary写作模板 summary怎么写】n. 概要,摘要,总结
Summary executions of African men in groups of 60 to 70 have been documented.
Auerbach has written an accessible summary of the literature on the incidence of the tax.
If someone in business returns from a conference, you are likely to see a video summary.
In summary, there is strong evidence that investors ignore selection biases in fund performance advertisements.
Thank you Media Matters, for an efficient summary of the terms of the energy debate.
For more on the topic, New Scientist offers this clever summary in video.
It is impossible to give a brief summary of what has happened in the eastern Congo?
The summary of responses to the consultation has been published on the department's website.
Below I provide some quotes from her appearance, along with a summary of the law.
Summary Opinion 2012-100, (October 16, 2012), sometimes all the Service needs is the smell test.
As Nagasaki shows, the Japanese have learned to exact summary justice at the ballot-box.
The SCMP's wire summary said the proposed law is a watered-down version of the original.
Download the full report, the Executive Summary or browse the report by chapter.
Tonight we will be sending you a summary that you may share with your clients.
The rougher and more summary his work, the greater its appeal to the cultivated.
Click here for copies of a six-page summary of this important Center Roundtable Discussion.
It's compiled by the online magazine, Slate, and here is Mark Jordan Legan with SummaryJudgment.
In summary, we have a gap up this morning after a sharp 7 day decline.
The NHS is working towards compiling an Emergency Care Summary for every person in Scotland.
If you lose your summary plan description, you may have a difficult time getting another copy.

summary写作模板 summary怎么写

